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Thinking back to the 1950s bunny meat was as regular for supper as the chicken is today. Meat with a fantastic equalization of unsaturated fats (bunny is more in omega 3 than chicken or pork.A great wellspring of nutrients, minerals and follow components: High in nutrients B3 and B12, phosphorus, potassium, and asking now why to eat rabbit and why is it good for your health to consume below are the reasons why you need to eat rabbit as compared to other meats.

  • The sodium substance of bunny meat is much lesser than other meats and its very good for your health and also helps your heart. and that’s why I will choose a rabbit or bunny meat over other meats.
  • It contains a minimal measure of fat compared to other meats that’s why rabbit meat is always recommended for those with heart problems than any other meat in the diet.
  • The calcium and phosphorus substance of this meat is more than some other meats.and we all know calcium and phosphorus helps in building strong bones , nerve , blood clotting , circulation , and helps in good heartbeat and fluid balance within cells so this is one of the good reasons why you need bunny meat more than any other meat .
  • we all know that too much cholesterol in the blood can cause the heart to overwork and bring us a lot of diseases, and also we get most of this bad cholesterol from meat that we consume but bunny meat is nearly cholesterol-free and in this makes it the friend of the heart.
  • Again bunny meat is very soft and easily digested unlike the other meats that take longer period of time yo digest and can sometimes cause harm to your health .this is one of the reasons why you need to eat or consume a lot of rabbit meat than other meats.
  • So as should know there are numerous advantages to eating bunny meat. It is solid for you and very quick when cooking it. Why not replace bunny meat with other meats that can help you live long and gives you healthy heart as compared to other meats .try this and blood cholesterol will never be your friend again and your heart will always thank you,
Updated: September 2, 2019 — 6:10 pm

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